Small Victories...
Yesterday, I finished my list of "things I hope to accomplish during 2025" and almost immediately felt exhausted.
There is much to be done... especially ahead of a long slow plan to downsize and move. I've been through the process before, although with less direct emphasis on the downsize part of the equation. Moving is a pain in the arse, no matter what!
Last time I moved, it was 2,200 miles from Central Texas to western Washington, in 2006. This time it will hopefully only be a local(ish) move.
But I digress.
I sat and reflected on the reality that this will likely be my last move... aside from being carried out of the building in a pine box. In a sense, that felt like a small victory... over something.
I often think of my small victories as those moments when I don't have to do one of the many unpleasant "duties" life so often seems to throw our way. Particularly when it means never having to do it again!
When life feels overwhelming — and the tasks at hand seemingly endless — I try to find something small that went really well and take a moment to be grateful for it... a small victory. it doesn't even have to involve doing anything, it could just be a milestone passed, that will never have to be dealt with again.
I have always felt happiest to have things done, rather than "doing" them, or "needing to do them" at some point in the future...
That sense of completion and closure offers me a sense of peace..
And maybe that's why my 2025 to do list fills me with dread and stress... it's all stuff not yet done.
I guess I'd best go about changing that!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your week!
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Created at 2025.01.15 01:46 PST
Great job! Keep up the good work! 👏 !STRIDE (Comment !STOPSTRIDE to stop receiving upvotes & STR)
Nope, not doing a list. Inevitably, things don't get done, because something else came up. I hope to do things, like clean out more of the abandoned gardens, but if it happens, great! If not, oh well... At least I'm not planning to move!
Great job! Keep up the good work! 👏 !STRIDE (Comment !STOPSTRIDE to stop receiving upvotes & STR)